The formal establishment at Sunbow of the Institute Of BioWisdom by Cheri and Harry was the result of multiple factors coming together in the early 2000’s:
(1) Harry had written 8 years of Organic Gardening weekly columns for the Corvallis Gazette Times, so had established a base of interested people;
(2) Harry had given multiple lectures on garden and farm topics for Master Gardeners,Tilth and other conferences in Oregon, Washington, ACRES USA;
(3) Harry had written and published The Transition Document, numerous articles for local and national magazines;
(4) Harry had been working with Elaine Ingham in the development of Soil Food Web teaching materials;
(5) the cob Education Center building at Sunbow was finished which could easily hold 35 or more people for workshops;
(7) Cheri had established Sunbow on-line marketing with a large list of people.

Typical of topics covered yearly in the workshop/lecture series were :
Garden Design For Year Round Food Production; Soil Biology- introduction to the Soil Food Web for Gardeners and Farmers; Compost and Compost Tea – How to Make and Use; Cosmic Influences On Agricultural Processes; Seed Saving; How to Grow and Process Nutrient Dense Plant Based Foods; In The Spirit Of The Garden – metaphysics of gardening; Water and Weeds – communications with both ; Winter (off season) Gardening; Pruning; Grains Beans, and Edible Seeds for small scale production. Other teachers included Carol Deppe author of Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties, Andrew and Sarah of Adaptive Seeds; Steve Rose master pruner and weaver of natural fibers for home use.
Harry’s books on many of these topics were sold at the workshops.
They include The Transition Document; Cosmic Influences On Agricultural Processes, A Catechism For The Children of Delight; and Assessing Plant Based Foods For Humans And Animals. All are available under Books.